Reasons Why Straight Men Dresses Like a Woman
By Maureen Matthews
Maureen Matthews Credit:Simon Schluter
Q: I'm a 64 year old, red-blooded heterosexual man, a tradie, and a keen fisherman. Since I was 5, however, I've also been fascinated by women's clothing, and have a deep-seated compulsion to cross dress, and become "Lucy". Throughout my marriage this was a shameful secret I feared being discovered. Since my wife passed away, I've decided to be my true self – but I don't want to look like a drag queen or a caricature. Where can I learn how to pass as a tasteful, elegant woman?
A: Transvestism, or cross-dressing, has been misunderstood for years – and has been a source of shame and fear for innumerable men. Marriages have failed, families been torn apart, careers destroyed, and lives lost to suicide over an activity that is intrinsically harmless.
This taboo reveals the entrenched sexism that still exists in society. Nobody cares if a woman favours comfort over glamour and lives in trousers, windcheaters and runners. Women wear blue as a matter of course, but a man wearing pink can still raise eyebrows.
This is because we still associate femininity with weakness, powerlessness and a lack of seriousness. A man dressing like a woman is giving away his power, and dignity. He is not worthy of respect, but is suspected of deviance.
Although cross dressers are not necessarily homosexual, before homosexuality was legalised any man who went out dressed as a woman could be arrested, subjected to police brutality, attacked in the street, vulnerable to blackmail, and be publicly humiliated. Things have improved over time, but this is still something that is misunderstood and a potential source of fear and shame.
Issues of gender and sexuality are not binary – masculine/feminine, gay/straight. Rather, people are on a spectrum that ranges from transgendered individuals who feel that they have been born into the wrong body through to people who identify as heterosexual men but have a profound compulsion to dress as the opposite sex.
In the late 1960s, a secret society was founded to support cross dressers, and reassure them that they were not alone.
It took the name The Seahorse Society, from the creature where the male incubates the eggs. Today, the society still exists, and is no longer a secret. In Victoria, the Seahorse Society is an umbrella group that mainly supports transgendered people as well as transvestites.
The Seahorse Society of New South Wales focuses more on cross dressing, offering counseling and support, resources, opportunities to socialise, and events where professionals offer instruction and information about applying make up, choosing a wardrobe, walking in heels and so on.
A friend, who takes the name Noelene, is president of the NSW society, He explained to me the sense of peace, joy, authenticity and feeling of "coming home" that he experiences when he is frocked up. Like you, he aspires to pass as an elegant woman, not look like he is going to a fancy dress party. He introduced me to Ophelia, whose business Cross Dress With Class helps with an authentic and tasteful transformation. This site is being updated, and Ophelia has now relocated to Melbourne.
She explained that part of her role is to manage expectations. Not having grown up as women, her clients often aspire to the unrealisable glamour of stars from the Golden years of Hollywood, with dark red lipstick and gorgeous gowns. She teaches them what most older women realise, that red lippy and heavy foundation do no favours for rough or wrinkled skin, and the best results come from a more subtle, toned-down style.
Of course, the male body differs from the female, with no breasts, narrower hips, and broader shoulders. Careful clothing choices can compensate, but we also live in an era when there are other options, such as breastform bra inserts, and padded underwear. Tanya and David at The Breast Form Store have been supporting cross dressers for some time. The NSW Seahorse website has a list of other appropriate retailers, and more useful resources.
I wish you well on your journey of exploration.
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